THESE bikes became my babies during a recent trip to visit family in Poland. After the amount of force feeding I underwent over the Easter period whilst visiting an array of relatives both close and distant, my body was in need of health kick and these beautiful bicycles were to be my aid.
(Not that I'm complaining about the taste sessions by the way, it's just that I would like to have a little bit of a say in quite how much actually enters my stomach before it bursts into smithereens!)
Both of these bikes were bought from markets in Poland for a fraction of the price of those on sale in London from those riding the 'I'd-like-to-ride-a-trendy-vintage-bike' wave. I would seriously consider shipping one of these over my way if it weren't for the fact that there is a very slim chance that they would see any use in my day-to-day life.
And it would be a shame to not use these magical rides. As soon as you sit upon the leather saddle, and grip on to the neat little handlebars, you feel your posture straighten and eyes look up to observe the scenery that you cycle past. You feel as though you have stepped back in time, to an era when leisurely bike rides through cobbled streets and luscious countryside were the order of a sunny day, made complete only when accompanied by a giant wicker picnic basket brimming with all the treats you could dream of.
The idyll may sound twee and a million miles away from the reality of city life, but still, I want one of these bicycles baaaaadddd......
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